The Article has not been published in other media.
It does not contain an element of plagiarism
(the similarity should be below 25% checks have done using Turnitin)
The article can be a result of research or conceptual articles or
the application of theory, and case reports or book reviews.
The article can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English for
5000 - 10000 words excluding references and tables.
Title text in Bahasa Indonesia consists of 14 words maximally,
while for English consists of 12 words maximally, without acronym
or abbreviation
In the article, the author name is attached and the author’s name order
must be agreed by all the authors, generally based on the contribution,
and all authors are responsible for the content of the article.
The article must be along with an abstract in Bahasa Indonesia and English (for Article written
in Bahasa Indonesia) or in English (for Article written in English) with a maximum word count of
250 words in an essay format.
The writing format (citation, references) follows the APA Style 6th Edition.
Recommended to use of a tool such as Mendeley or EndNote for reference
management and formatting, and choose APA style
Systematics of writing: (a) title, (b) the identity of the author,
(c) abstract, (d) keyword, (e) introduction (with no heading and section),
(f) theoretical framework, (g) method, (h) results and discussion,
(i) conclusions, (j) bibliography/reference list.
The writing style should refer to the Minister of National Education
Regulation No. 46 year 2009 on General Guidelines for Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia
(EYD) yang Disempurnakan.
It should be noted that the manuscript does not use footnotes in the text
because it can distract the reader. If necessary, an author can write
as Endnote.
Expect a minimum of 20 references primarily with minimum 60% journal papers and 40% from others